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Kyle Patrick

The Grey Ash


Since December 2014, Kyle has been honing his craft in the world of tattooing, specializing in blackwork. His signature style incorporates bold, precise outlining complemented by intricate fine-lined and dark dotwork detailing. Influenced by ancient lithographs from artists such as Albrecht Dürer and Gustave Doré, Kyle's artistic passion centers on nature, the occult, dark imagery, and fandom-related subjects.

Driven by a vision for an all-vegan and all-inclusive tattoo space, Kyle founded The Grey Ash, prioritizing clients' needs. Beyond the studio, Kyle enjoys quality time with his partner Courtney and their three huskies—Nanook, Haku, and Rem. Whether engaged in video games, anime, skateboarding, creating music, collecting records, Kyle finds joy in diverse interests. As a travel enthusiast, Kyle actively incorporates guest spots and convention appearances into his yearly itinerary.


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